Thanks for the "in the belly" definition. I didn't know that and just wrote about awaiting birth and in-between times in relation to Imbolc.

I also observe the gateways in a long stretch of days or weeks. We mark the shift by sighing a candle and shifting our wool felt spirits that visit us season-by-season in our home. We have other specific intentional rituals for some of the gateways too, but Imbolc is more internal for me - making space for emergent intentions to slowly germinate.

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I tend to keep rituals very simple. A candle and a card. A walk. I lit a fire in my garden this evening for imbolc. Maybe i could do another for astrological Imbolc.

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Simple is beautiful, Claire. The candles, card and walk sound lovely.

I'm with you about the fire. Garden fires in winter feel so potent, particularly at the beginning of a new season.

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Seeing the bigger picture ❤️

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Yes to this :-)

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I love this idea of celebrating as a season rather than a day, in one of my groups they talk of an 'Imbolc portal' and this year it runs from the New Moon through 'cultural' Imbolc (the 1st) to 'astronomical/logical' Imbolc (which is either the 3rd or the 4th but I think it varies). It could even stretch all the way to the Full Moon, I think that is valid too! It means less pressure and less frustration regarding perfectionism to do it 'just right'. Being half French also means that pancakes are firmly part of my Imbolc celebrations (the French have their pancake day on the 2nd)

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I love the idea of an Imbolc portal, that's such a wonderful way of living it.

You're absolutely right about celebrating a season being less pressure. No-one needs the added stress of trying to get it right or making it perfect, as that misses the point entirely. There is nothing to 'get' right, only that which feels right to the individual, whenever and whatever that is.

Enjoy your pancakes today!

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Thank you sharing your voice to this beautiful season. It’s dark and gloomy in my corner of the world. The ground is muddy and brown. Shoots of green and flowers are still a ways off, yet I notice the growing light. Each day as I sit for my morning practice, I gaze out the larger slider doors. The woods lighten each day, making me smile. It’s coming…Spring is coming. I will light a candle and connect to the fire within me as a way to keep me fueled until warm weather appears. I celebrate the season more than a specific day. It gives me time to relax, learn and feel into this time.

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This is beautiful, Blythe. I love the fact that you're connecting to the fire within you until warmer weather arrives. Noticing the growing light is such a hopeful practice and I can imagine how it brings you comfort.

I very much agree about celebrating a season, giving more time to feel into it. I hope you have a wonderful one! :-)

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